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sperm banking

Emergency Sperm Freezing

Are you preparing to undergo chemotherapy, radiation, or testicular removal, or are you suffering from a condition that risks your fertility? Come to Atlantic Reproductive Medicine Specialists, Raleigh-Durham’s experts in male fertility preservation and sperm cryopreservation. At Atlantic Reproductive, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive fertility and reproductive care — and we don’t stop at tests and treatment. Our Raleigh-Durham, NC fertility doctors specialize in fertility preservation, including emergency sperm banking for men. Are you looking to freeze sperm before chemotherapy, radiation, or another medical procedure? Call Atlantic Reproductive today to discuss your male fertility preservation options.

The Benefits of Sperm Freezing & Cryopreservation

Sperm banking involves the cryopreservation of sperm for future use. Sperm can remain frozen for many years or even decades. When you’re ready to become a parent, the frozen sperm will be thawed and used to inseminate a female egg via IVF to achieve pregnancy.

Emergency sperm banking is helpful for men preparing to receive medical treatment that may affect their fertility. At Atlantic Reproductive, we offer sperm cryopreservation services for male patients who are preparing to undergo the following:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Testicular removal

Banking sperm before undergoing these forms of treatment allows men to preserve their ability to reproduce and grow their families, even after experiencing adverse health conditions.

You can learn more about the process from the Journal of Clinical Medicine by clicking here.

Sperm Bank FAQs

  1. How long can frozen sperm last? There is no exact limit or “expiration date” on frozen sperm; there are examples of successful inseminations performed with sperm that had been in storage for over a decade.
  2. How is the sperm obtained? A specimen is acquired at Raleigh, NC’s Atlantic Reproductive fertility clinic. The collection is made in a private and comfortable setting.
  3. Is sperm harmed during the cryopreservation process? Not all sperm survives the freezing and eventual thawing process, but in most cases, around 50% will remain to be used as a part of in vitro fertilization or ICSI.

Looking to make a standard sperm donation? Try these trusted resources:

Emergency Male Fertility Preservation in Raleigh-Durham, NC

Atlantic Reproductive Center is a leader in male fertility preservation, sperm cryopreservation, and sperm banking. Over the years, we’ve been fortunate to assist with the fertilization needs of patients from Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Chapel Hill, Fayetteville, and beyond. Contact us today to discuss our sperm banking options!

Fertility Preservation

Egg Vitrification

Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation involves the cryopreservation of sperm or eggs for future use. Fertility preservation is typically done in cases when natural fertility is threatened, such as with ovarian or testicular cancer or due to aging.

Fertility Preservation: Easy Access

Easy Access

If you are facing a disease that could impact your fertility, such as testicular cancer effects or breast cancer, or are considering some kind of treatment that will threaten future fertility in the near future, you have options.

Egg Banking

Egg Banking

Egg banking involves the cryopreservation of female eggs for future use. Egg banking includes the collection of eggs from the ovaries via an egg retrieval procedure, dehydrating them, and finally freezing them.


Embryo Cryopreservation

Embryo banking involves the cryopreservation of fertilized female eggs for future use. The entire process includes the collection of eggs from the ovaries, fertilization of eggs with sperm in the laboratory, and then finally, freezing of the embryos for storage.

Egg Vitrification

Egg Vitrification

Egg freezing, or oocyte cryopreservation, essentially preserves your fertility at its current state — allowing you greater control over your journey toward motherhood. With the latest technology, patients can work around their biological clock, whether its for personal or professional reasons.